Kalalasi Borehole Project

We’ve completed our biggest project to date, and one that we know will have a massive impact on the villagers in Kalalasi: constructing a borehole facilitating access to fresh water.

Prior to this, people were having to walk 8km to the nearest water source, which was also used by nearby animals meaning that it was neither clean nor safe.  The clinic that we had previously built did not yet have access to a clean water supply, meaning that water-bourn diseases were a significant problem.

We were eager to complete this work before the onset of the rainy season in 2019, so we pulled out all the stops – including advancing many of the costs from our own pockets. In the months that have passed since then, the benefits to the community has been profound. 

We are hugely grateful to the generous donations of our supporters, who know that every penny contributed is used directly to support our beneficiaries in a way that is not feasible for larger charities with their administration and marketing overheads.